10 Essential Tips to Maximize Your Mobile Advertising Revenue

10 Essential Tips to Maximize Your Mobile Advertising Revenue

10 Essential Tips to Maximize Your Mobile Advertising Revenue

Are you missing the advertising revenue of mobile viewers? In today's world, desktop navigation is not exactly archaic at the typewriter level, but it is getting there. As an editor, you must be proactive: go out and reach your audience on your own terms. In general, success in mobile advertising demands speed, versatility, and adaptableness. You have to react instantly to the comments of your audience. It is very easy to lose the interest of people who browse their phones while waiting for the elevator, so you must be in tune with them. So control your traffic and try everything! The key is to be agile. Instead of relying on a format, network or traffic source, keep all your balls in the air. Diversify and always look for ways to improve. Mobile is a new field and is quickly taking over the game. Here are some tips to take advantage of its enormous potential.

Use more than one ad network

Don't put all of your eggs in a basket! Revenue from ad networks fluctuates all the time, and mobile ads are no exception. If your networks are supported by CPC or CPM, you'll be trying to find a 20% variation a day . Support this by using quite one network together. Presumably, when one falls, the opposite goes up and ends with a gentle stream of income. And remember that no ad network features a 100% fill rate, so you will need a minimum of two or three (and ideally four or five) just to form sure none of your impressions stray.

You can also consider selling space programmatically through a real-time auction. Ad exchanges that specialize in mobile devices, such as Axonix, offer several benefits. Publishers receive the highest market price for each ad. These auctions offer much better ad targeting than a normal network, so you get more relevant ads for your viewers. In addition, you can maintain the margins that networks usually do.

Use geographic targeting to reach your audience

10 Essential Tips to Maximize Your Mobile Advertising Revenue

Where does your traffic come from? Working with an advertising network that offers geographical orientation will allow you to deliver the best ads for your viewers based on their location. Some networks specialize in certain areas. If most of your traffic comes from India, for example, you can try networks like Tyroo or Adadyn, while if you have many Australian visitors you will have better luck with Crimtan or Leadbolt. If you receive a lot of traffic from non-English speaking countries, definitely choose a network that serves that region.

Set up refresher ads to keep offers running

Bring more offers to your viewers through the ad update settings. This will show a new ad from time to time without the viewer reloading the site. The trick is to find an update time that is short enough for the viewer to receive new ads before leaving the site, but long enough for them to see and click on them. That can be 30 seconds to three minutes, although generally, the optimum point is between 1-2 minutes. It all depends on your content and the advertising network you use. Some networks, such as Google AdSense, have strict rules about updating ads or do not allow it at all, so check the terms of your network before following this route.

Attract positive associations by repeating ad units

Many experts recommend that you repeat some ad units, especially banner ads. The more we see something, the more unconsciously we have positive associations with it. This is called the effect of mere exposure, or the reason why, after a while, you start singing exaggerated pop songs that you hated at first. When a viewer sees an ad several times, they may not notice it at first, but after a while, the product will begin to look familiar and attractive. This is a great way to spark interest.

Find the best ad size

The last thing you want is to disturb your viewer's experience with large and intrusive ads. It is important in desktop computers and is even more important in mobile devices, where the screen is smaller and people are much less patient. So what is the best size and format? How can you get people's attention without interfering with your navigation? According to this MediaLets study, the best conversion formats are the mini-leaderboard (320 × 50 and 300 × 50) and the medium rectangle (300 × 250). However, there is no substitute for testing. It all depends on the design of your page and how your visitors navigate them. That's why A / B tests are so important, and ad size performance is one of the first things you should try.

10 Essential Tips to Maximize Your Mobile Advertising Revenue

Capture your viewers during their downtime

You want viewers to see your ad when they are relaxed, browsing, like when they play or play on social media. This is the time when they might be interested in buying and you will see much more participation in the ads. When they focus on researching something or reading a long article, they are less likely to pay attention to the ads and bother them more. Try to catch your viewers in their downtime. The best times to show many ads are usually from 8 to 9 a.m., from 5 to 7 p.m. and after 9 p.m. Again, this varies a lot and you must perform tests to determine the schedule of your viewers.

Incorporate new ad formats focused on mobile devices

Try some new ad formats to extend visibility and reduce advertising blindness. Mobile anchor ads are like small advertisements that are attached at rock bottom of the screen. When the viewer scrolls down, the ad appears. Interstitial ads are page ads that appear at strategic times, like between pages or game levels. The user has got to close them to advance. they will be very effective and visually attractive, also as impossible to ignore, but they will even be very intrusive. For this reason, Google now features a strong policy against them. However, they will be converted alright and there are always ways to avoid it. Then there's the native advertising, a user-centered message that's within the same format as normal content. It flows correctly with the viewer's experience and matches their interest. Native advertising requires more work and sensitivity, but it are often profitable in higher CTR and overall commitment.

Page your content

Breaking a long page of content into several smaller fragments, or paging can really increase your income. Improve the loading time of your page and offer your users a better experience. It is proven to reduce rebound time. In addition, it is better for SEO and contextual advertising.


Your Mobile Advertising Revenue

Mobile advertising is an important part of any monetization plan. With more and more people using the Internet primarily on their phones, you should start thinking about mobile devices first, as many vendors and advertisers already do. Reaching your mobile audience does not require major changes. Great content, relevant and non-intrusive ads will attract your readers on any platform. Maximizing your mobile advertising revenue is primarily a matter of understanding how your audience interacts with your site. If you can show them the right offers in a way that flows with your activity on your page, you will surely see great improvements.

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